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- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Play16 version 1.8 (11.09.97) - a versatile soundplayer for the Amiga --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Readme.1st
- ----------
- Sorry folks, that's all I had time for. Comments still welcome :)
- Features in brief
- -----------------
- - FREEWARE! No beta, no nag requesters and no expiry date!
- - online help
- - autodetects and plays several soundfiles, up to 16 bit / 56 kHz / stereo
- - full Workbench support (but not Intuition and no GUI)
- - always correct playback speed, even for sounds >28 kHz
- - realtime playback from harddisk, optimized assembler routines
- - optional 14 bit output (less noise but not as good as true 16 bit)
- - Supports AHI and soundcards
- - automatic or manual audio filter control
- - plays mono sounds on *both* channels, not only on the left one
- - plays (and loops) files that are larger than memory
- - preloading for exactly timed start of playback
- - fast µ-Law/A-Law decompression
- - system friendly audio channel allocation
- - optionally dump the output into a file (can be used to convert sounds)
- - supported Filetypes are:
- * Microsoft RIFF-WAVE (.WAV) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw/ALaw/ADPCM
- * Creative Voice File (.VOC) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear
- * Sun/NeXT Audio (.AU) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw
- * MacroSystem Audio (.MAUD) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw
- * Apple/SGI/Amiga AIFF (.AIFF) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear
- * Amiga IFF-8SVX (.IFF) mono/stereo, 8 bit, linear/FibDelta/ExpDelta
- * Any raw sound data as long as it matches one of the following:
- - 8 bit signed
- - 8 bit unsigned
- - 16 bit signed, Intel format (LSB first)
- - 16 bit signed, Motorola format (MSB first)
- - 14 bit µ-Law
- - 14 bit A-Law
- - supported output devices are:
- * Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 8 bit
- * Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 14 bit
- * Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 14 bit calibrated (Christian Buchner)
- * MacroSystem Maestro Pro 16 bit 44.1kHz and 48kHz only
- * IFF-8SVX file dump 8 bit
- * AHI audio system 16 bit
- * Prelude 16 bit
- ========================== Section 1: Quick start =========================
- What do I need to use Play16?
- -----------------------------
- Any Amiga running Kickstart/Workbench 2.04 or greater.
- asyncio.library
- To use the calibrated 14 bit output you need a valid CyberSound preferences
- file in your ENVARC: directory. If you don't have one already it can be
- generated with Christian's calibration package included in this distribution.
- Maestix.library V39 or higher is required to use the MPro board for output.
- AHI audio system V2 or higher is required to use AHI output.
- Where do I find the latest version?
- -----------------------------------
- - FIDONET: Amiga Venture BBS, Germany (2:2432/350)
- - AMINET: mus/play
- - WWW: http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~wenzel/Play16/
- further I recommend to have a look at the following packages:
- Prelude:
- - WWW: http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~wenzel/Prelude.html
- CyberSound:
- - AMINET: disk/cdrom/14Bit_CDPlayer.lha
- Maestix:
- - AMINET: util/libs/Maestix39_00.lha
- AHI audio system:
- - WWW: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~lcs/ahi.html
- How do I use it?
- ----------------
- From CLI: Simply type "Play16 <filename>" and that's it!
- From Workbench: Just doubleclick on it's icon. A filerequester will pop up.
- All possible options will be explained later. If you set none of them, the
- defaults will be used.
- ==================== Section 2: Background information ====================
- What does it do?
- ----------------
- Basically, Play16 is capable of playing uncompressed and _some_ compressed
- soundfiles through Amiga's standard audio device or an increasing number of
- alternative devices. If the actual resolution or playback rate exceeds that
- of the Amiga hardware, realtime conversion is done so that the sound is
- being played back correctly.
- You can even play 16 bit / 44.1 kHz sounds on the old amiga chipset (Paula),
- providing all parts of your system can keep up with the high data transfer
- rate and lots of calculations needed for this task. (In this case an
- accelerated Amiga is recommended :-)
- The two audio channels at each side can be linked to perform as a single
- 14 bit channel (subranging). Again, this swallows lots of computing power.
- Anyway, an Amiga 3000-16MHz is fast enough to play an uncompressed soundfile
- with full 44.1kHz/14bit output (productivity) directly from harddisk !!!
- I don't want Play16 to be a program that plays each and every exotic format
- that exists somewhere. However, I intend to support as many popular file
- types as possible.
- Why Play16?
- -----------
- I didn't find any CLI based program to play back 16 bit recordings, on a
- standard Amiga, so I decided to write one myself.
- Why CLI based and no GUI?
- -------------------------
- There are so many GUI based directory utilities, simply use Play16 as an
- external player. Consult the manual of your software package on how to
- do it. Application example: Assign "Play16 <filename> PRELOAD" to a button
- called "Jingle". Select the desired soundfile and press the Jingle-button.
- Wait for the appropriate moment and hit the return key - here comes the
- sound! Nice when audio dubbing your home videos or even on parties :-)
- How does it work? (technical info)
- ----------------------------------
- The standard Amiga audio device is limited to 8 bit / 28 kHz playbck
- when using DMA. With the introduction of ECS the 28 kHz DMA barrier
- was broken - but only if the current displaymode was one with double
- scan rate like productivity. The reason for this is the dependency
- between video and audio DMA. If you don't have ECS or if you simply
- don't want to switch to Productivity just to listen to your desired
- sound, Play16 can halve the sample rate during playback.
- Another way to archieve high output rates is using IRQ. This works no
- matter what the displaymode is. I've been experimenting on that long
- before I started writing Play16 but there was so much jitter that my
- current downsampling method sounds much better.
- To play back even long sounds, the popular method of double buffering
- is used. Alternatively, all data can be loaded into memory before
- playback. This is useful when playing short sounds or when loading
- the sound from floppy disk or slow network transfers.
- The 14 bit output is archieved by setting the first channel on each
- side to volume 64 and the second to volume 1. The louder channel then
- plays the upper 8 bits as usual while the other channel plays the
- 6 most significant bits of the low byte synchronously. Because timing
- is very crucial in this case it is nessecary to write directly to
- hardware registers instead of using the audio.device. This method may
- not work on future amiga models if there ever will be any... :-/
- Unfortunately, Amiga's DACs are not perfectly linear. A significant
- increase in sound quality can be archieved by calibrating each
- MSB conversion step individually for your machine. Christian Buchner's
- CyberSound system supports this kind of calibration. Play16 can load
- the preferences file generated by Christian's calibration program.
- The MPro output uses the maestix.library by Richard Körber. Have a look
- at the Maestix package available on AMINET for further details.
- =========================== Section 3: Options ============================
- What options are provided?
- --------------------------
- There are three ways to specify the options, which are:
- CLI: In the commandline, using standard AmigaOS 2.x template
- Workbench: In the icon, using standard Amiga Workbench tooltype entries
- General: By setting environment variables. This is not possible for
- all options yet.
- If you are not familiar with the AmigaOS 2.x commandline template, see
- the examples below and consult the AmigaOS manual for furhter information.
- The tooltype entries are identical to the keywords you can specify in the
- commandline. Also, the environment variables have the same names and reside
- in ENV:Play16.
- Basic options: (All options marked with (*) have corresponding env-vars.)
- HELP/S Display online-help
- VERBOSITY/N Sets the level of verbosity.
- 0: Just display the banner and error messages
- 1: Print additional information about the sound file
- 2: Information about progress and memory usuage
- 3: Debugging information (may look a bit weird :)
- Default is level 0.
- FAST/S(*) Do NOT automatically switch to half sample rate if the
- soundfile's rate exceeds 28 kHz. Use this option when
- running your Amiga in Productivity or similar display
- modes.
- HIFI/S Obsolete since V1.4 but still included for compatibility
- reasons. See "OUTPUT/K".
- VOLUME/N Set the playback volume.
- This works only for Paula8, Paula14, Paula14c and AHI output.
- NEW: Volume is specified in percent now!
- Possible ranges are:
- Paula8: 0% - 100%
- Paula14: 0% - 400% (boost)
- Paula14c: 0% - 400% (boost)
- AHI: 0% - 100%
- ATTENTION! If you try to boost a sound that is already full
- scale this will result in excessive clipping.
- OUTPUT/K(*) Set Play16's output device. Possible options are:
- Paula8 Standard 8 bit output through Amiga hardware. This option
- is the default.
- Paula14 Turn on the 14 bit output. Watch out! This is a nasty routine
- that writes directly to some hardware registers. I've done
- everything I can to prevent Play16 from interfering with
- other running tasks in this case but you'll never know...
- Use it with care!
- Paula14c Same as Paula14 but using the calibration preferences for
- even better sound quality. See Section 2 for details.
- MPro Use MacroSystem's Maestro Pro board for output. 44.1kHz and
- 48kHz sounds only. For 44.1kHz output a valid and stable
- signal has to be present on the standard input. See the
- manuals of Maestix and the MPro board for further info.
- AHI Use Martin 'Levicitus' Blom's AHI audio system for output.
- Prelude Directly use the Prelude soundcard for output.
- 8SVX Do not play the sound but create an IFF-8SVX file containing
- the data. Basically this is the output generated by <Paula8>
- redirected into a file. The filename will be the input file's
- name with "iff" appended.
- WARNING: All limitations of <Paula8> apply here as well,
- which are:
- - Every 16 bit sound will be cropped to 8 bits resulting in
- loss of quality.
- - If you DO NOT set the FAST keyword, the sample rate of the
- output file will be limited to 28kHz and downsampled
- automaticlly if nessecary.
- I recommend to keep the original file if you have enough
- space. If you don't you may be disappointed of your converted
- 8 bit sounds when you buy a better sound system!
- FILTER/K(*) FILTER=ON : Enable audio filter for playback
- FILTER=OFF : Disable audio filter for playback
- FILTER=AUTO: Turn filter on or off depending on sample rate
- If you don't specify this keyword Play16 will leave the
- hardware registers of the audiofilter completely untouched.
- LOOPS/N Determines the number of loops to be played.
- Default is 1 loop. (Play the sound once.)
- LOOPS=0 means infinite number of loops.
- Advanced Options:
- WINDOW/K(*) Specify output window for Workbench startup. This Keyword can
- only be used in the ToolType entries of the Play16 icon itself.
- If you don't set this, the hardcoded default will be used.
- SCREENMODE/N Type of screen to open during playback. If you set
- (*) SCREENMODE=0, a standard productivity screen will
- be opened.
- PATH/K Set the default path for the filerequester. In the command
- line, specifying just a path instead of a filename has the
- same effect.
- SINGLE/S Use only one buffer rather then two and load all data into
- memory before playback.
- PRIORITY/N Set Play16's task priority. May vary from -25 to 25, default
- is 1.
- MULTIPLE/S Open the filerequester again, after all files have been
- played.
- BUFFER/N AsyncIO Buffersize in KBytes. Default is 64.
- PRELOAD/S Load enough data into memory for immediate start of playback
- at a keypress
- MODE/N Don't pop up and AHI mode requester but use the given mode
- instead. If the lower word of the ModeID is zero BestAudioID
- will be used to find a suitable mode.
- You can use GAIP16 (included) to find out the ModeID you
- want. Take the first decimal number for hardware selection
- only (BestAudioID is used) or the second decimal number to
- force a specific mode.
- RAW/S Disable autodetect and tell Play16 what the actual format of
- the sound data is.
- However, if Play16 can't detect the filetype it will switch
- to RAW mode automatically. If you don't want this to happen
- you can specify STRICT:
- STRICT/S Play only files that are supported by the autodetect routine
- Use this if you don't want to get scared by the sudden noisy
- output when trying to play back other data than sound :-)
- OUTPATH/K Use this path for writing converted 8SVX files instead
- of the same directory
- Examples:
- a) Play16 music.wav
- Simply play the file called music.wav once and directly from harddisk.
- b) Play16 music.wav SINGLE
- Same as above but load all data into memory before playback. Use this
- when loading soundfiles from floppy disk.
- c) Play16 music.wav SINGLE VERBOSITY=1
- Same as b, but with additional information being printed out.
- d) Play16 rhythm.wav LOOPS=10
- Play the rhythm as a continuous loop, i.e. over and over again (10 times)
- e) Play16 explosion.wav SINGLE PRELOAD
- Load the complete explosion sound into memory, then wait for you to hit
- <return> before playback.
- f) Play16 MyFavouriteTune.wav FAST OUTPUT=8SVX
- Convert the given file to IFF-8SVX without changing the sample rate.
- g) Play16 MyFavouriteTune.wav OUTPUT=8SVX
- Same as f but limit the sample rate of the converted file to 28kHz!
- h) Play16 DemoSound RAW ALAW FREQ=8000
- Play a raw ISDN A-Law file generated by WilhelmTEL
- The following options tell Play16 what parameters to use when in RAW mode.
- This happens either if you set the RAW keyword or if Play16 could not
- identify the file and STRICT was _not_ set.
- Options when in RAW mode:
- FREQ/N Sampling frequency in Hz
- TRACKS/N Number of tracks, 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
- BITS/N Resolution in bits, may be 8 or 16
- HEADER/N Length of header: This is the number of bytes to be skipped
- at the beginning of the file.
- UNSIGNED/S Data is unsigned, not signed (only valid for 8 bit sounds)
- INTEL/S Data is in Intel format (only valid for 16 bit sounds)
- ULAW/S Data is compressed using the µ-Law compression scheme
- ALAW/S Data is compressed using the A-Law compression scheme
- The default settings are: 22050 Hz, mono, 8 bits, no header.
- How do I use this RAW mode?
- ---------------------------
- Umm, err, difficult to explain, even harder to understand...
- Well, if you know the data format of the soundfile, simply set RAW, FREQ,
- TRACKS, BITS, UNSIGNED and INTEL accordingly. If you don't, the only
- way to find it out is by trial and error :) Here are some tips to make
- it a bit easier:
- Don't set HEADER to an odd number. (Leave it at 0, first.)
- If you set BITS to 16 and hear nothing but noise, try to set INTEL.
- If you set BITS to 8 and the sound is distorted, try to set UNSIGNED.
- If the above does not help, try different combinations of BITS, INTEL
- If you manage to get a recognisable sound output which is either too
- fast or too slow, start experimenting on TRACKS and FREQ.
- If you want to play known files and raw ones without changing the command
- line, simply specify all you know about the raw data and leave out the
- RAW and the STRICT keyword. If Play16 can indentify the file it will use
- its parameters. If the filetype is unknown your specified parameters will
- be used instead.
- Legal stuff
- -----------
- Play16 is copyrighted freeware. It may be distributed freely as long as
- no modifications are made to the executable and this document. A nominal
- fee may be asked to cover distribution costs.
- Play16 may not be used for any commercial purposes or included with any
- commercial product without the written permission of the author.
- No responsibilities are taken for damaged speakers, amplifiers, Amigas
- or any other components or data involved while using Play16.
- Although I've done some beta testing I can't guarantee that Play16 will
- not crash! If you find any bugs, let me know.
- It is NOT the fault of MacroSystem NOR does it represent the quality of
- their products if the MPro output or the maestix.library should fail.
- Miscellaneous
- -------------
- I don't claim Play16 to be fast. I've done some optimizing - but because
- the loader/converter module is a universial one, more data is actually
- being moved around different memory blocks than needed for playback.
- However, I've implemented separate optimized routines for 8 bit and
- for 14/16 bit.
- * Please note that English is not my native language :)
- I can be reached at...
- Internet: wenzel@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de (preferred)
- Thomas_Wenzel@aventure.fido.de
- Fido: 2:2432/350.28 or 2:241/1035.6
- Mail routing _is_sometimes_ unreliable in FidoNet :-(
- If you use this program, please send me a mail. I'd like to know how many
- people are interested in it at all.
- History
- -------
- V0.5ß - Initial beta test release
- V0.6ß - Optimized the code a bit.
- V0.7ß - Fixed some severe bugs that caused Play16 to crash when trying
- to load corrupted files.
- V0.8ß - Play16 can now be stopped by pressing ctrl-c during playback. The
- buffer that is currently being played will be finished first.
- - Automatic filter control depending on sample rate.
- V0.9ß - Added 'loop'-option. Sample can be played several times.
- - All time consuming routines now in hand optimized assembler code.
- V1.0ß - Play16 now uses standard OS2.x commandline template.
- Thanks to Kai for persuading me to do this :)
- V1.0 - Done some minor bugfixes.
- V1.1 - Oops! Play16 caused some Enforcer hits. Fixed that.
- Thanks to Rod Schnell for reporting it.
- - Added 'single'-option. Sound can be loaded completely into memory
- before playing. No looping possible in this case yet!
- - Playback time in minutes:seconds displayed if verbose >= 1
- - uLaw decompression for WAVE-Files, using a decoding table
- for maximum speed (didn't do much testing on it, hope it works!)
- - MAUD filetype support (why do there have to be so many formats?)
- - AIFF filetype support
- - ctrl-c now stops playback immediately.
- Thanks to Marc for some programming tips about that.
- V1.2 - IFF-8SVX filetype support (only uncompressed files!)
- - RAW data support: _Any_ data can be played
- - Preload feature added
- - Fixed a bug that caused illegal memory access (hopefully)
- Thanks to Ignatios Souvatzis for reporting it.
- - Improved chunk handling
- V1.3 - 14 bit output (finally!)
- - Any file Play16 can't recognise is considered raw data unless
- you set the STRICT keyword
- - Fixed a bug in WAV filetype length determination
- - Advanced audiofilter control / original state will be restored
- after playback
- - More information about sound (AUTHOR or ANNO-Chunk) is being
- printed out if VERBOSE>=1. However, Play16 will *not* search
- the whole file for that string. If it doesn't come before the
- sound data -- bad luck :-)
- V1.3a - Bugfix in chunk handling routine: Chunks with an odd length
- were treated incorrectly. This bug accompanied all versions
- of Play16, even V1.0. However, I decided to release a fix now
- instead of letting you wait until V1.4 is finished.
- V1.4 - Wildcard and multiple file support
- - Environment variable support (partial)
- - A filerequester will pop up if no filename is given
- - Workbench support, including icon with tooltype entries
- - Maestro Pro output, using Richard Körber's Maestix package
- - Calibrated 14 bit output, using Christian Buchner's
- CyberSound package
- - IFF-8SVX file dump
- - Creative VOC support (currently only 1st data block)
- (This format crazy :-))
- - Closing the output window now stops playback, too
- - Looping now for single mode as well, LOOPS=0 won't cause
- a severe crash any more
- Thanks to Andy Church for reporting it.
- - Open a screen during playback, e.g. productivity for fast DMA
- - German docs
- V1.5 - Fixed a bug that caused enforcer hits when running Play16
- from CLI
- - Changed the depth of Play16's productivity screen to 1 bitplane
- to reduce CPU- and DMA-load
- - "Play16 <path>" now opens a filerequester pointing to the
- specified path. The new PATH tooltype does the same.
- - Fixed mono playback of raw tracks.
- - uLaw decompression for MAUD, too
- - Fibonacci Delta decompression for 8SVX, thanks to Ralph Wermke.
- V1.6 - Improved the V34 performance. (whoops, wrong file! :-)))
- - A one-plane-screen will now be used for CLI mode as well.
- - Task priority is now reset to 0 at exit.
- - Files with additional data after the sound chunk are now being
- played correctly.
- - CTRL-D now skips the current sound and starts playing
- the next one.
- - ASL library will only be opened if a filerequester is really
- needed. Thanks to all who suggested to do this.
- - New option: Volume (only for Paula8 mode)
- - New option: Multiple (only if filerequester pops up)
- - No more chunks of odd length in 8SVX dump
- - MS-ADPCM decompression for WAV files
- - RAW option works now as a Tooltype entry as well
- - Nice MagicWB icon for the Play16 drawer done by Mario Cattaneo
- V1.7 * New features:
- - Online help
- - A-Law decompression for RIFF-Wave and ISDN-Master RAW
- - Now using AsyncIO.library to read the audio data
- - AHI audio system support (still experimental)
- - Exponential Delta decompression for 8SVX
- * Fixed bugs:
- - MULTIPLE does not hang any more
- - Hopefully no more illegal memory access for FibDelta playback
- - No more crashes when ecountering unknown 8SVX compression methods
- V1.8 * New features:
- - Finally AIFF-C support! Sorry for the delay.
- - AHI seems to be stable. Currently lowlevel support only.
- - Volume is specified in percent now. Up to 400% boost is
- available in Paula14 and Paula14c modes.
- - Quickly put in the 4 lines of code needed for Native Prelude support
- - Corresponding environment variable for FAST/S
- (do »SetEnv FAST 1« to enable it)
- - A different output path for converted 8SVX files can be specified
- - Different versions using asyncio.library or standard AmigaDOS
- * Fixed bugs:
- - Finally fixed break bug when using multiple. (I hope.) *growl*
- - Some MAUD files weren't played til the end. Changed the method
- how the length is computed. MAUD is obsolete anyway.
- - VOLUME now works for AHI playback, too
- - Task priority is changed _only_ if specified and not zero
- - Files written with OUTPUT=8SVX will be closed now
- - Removed unnessecary byte padding when writing 8SVX files
- - Yikes! Pattern matching was used even for Workbench icons
- all the time. Fixed.
- Future plans
- ------------
- - Supporting loops stored within 8SVX files
- Unfortunately I currently don't have the time to add the following:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Better Creative-VOC support
- - Simple Center and Surround decoder
- - ADPCM decompression for other filetypes as well (e.g. ZyXEL)
- - some of the file types saved by Macintosh software (e.g. Sound-Designer)
- (Please let me know if you really need this. I think AIFF should be
- sufficient.)
- - Cyclic Buffer for playback instead of Double Buffering
- I won't add any more proprietary file types! If you bribe me with lotsa
- money I'll think about it. ;-)
- Known bugs
- ----------
- Looping of Fibonacci Delta sounds may be distorted.
- Large VOC sounds can't be played completely. No-one uses VOC anyway...
- If there's not enough free CPU time, Play16 sometimes repeats parts of the
- sound and may stop playback prematurely. Maybe asyncio will reduce this
- problem a bit.
- On some systems Paula14 and Paula14c produce garbage (wrong buffer order)
- at the beginning of playback. So far I haven't been able to solve this
- problem :-(
- Credits
- -------
- Thanks go to the following persons:
- Kai Stuke for many vital hints on C programming and the Amiga
- audio device and for beta testing this program.
- Marc Albrecht for doing some beta testing as well, giving valuable
- hints on optimizing the code and translating this document
- into German.
- Clete Baker for supplying the AIFF- and SDII specs.
- Richard Körber for writing the Maestix Library and making it freeware.
- Christian Buchner for his research and ideas on how to improve the
- 14bit output by calibrating the DACs individually.
- Mario Cattaneo for the nice Play16 drawer icon
- Christian A. Weber for his good ISDN A-Law decoder source
- Martin Blom for his neat AHI audio system
- And to all the people who wrote me!